RePowering the future...
RePowering the future...

RePower the Future!

The primary objective of RePower Cellular is to provide fundraising opportunities to various organizations, centered on collecting cell phones and small electronics, which would otherwise be wasted in landfills. This initiative has a double benefit to the community: it reduces the amount of electronics that end up damaging the environment and also creates funding for various causes and programs.


We make the collections by providing RePower Boxes to our partners. Individuals and businesses use the boxes to donate their devices. These bins are created and set-up at no cost to participating parties. We also cover all costs associated with pick-ups and the processing of donations.


School and College Fundraisers


Educational campuses are a great place for our 'RePower Boxes' as they promote an environmentally friendly mentality amongst our youth. It is important that such values are understood from a young age. The recycling bins can be placed in a permanent location on campus, however, we can arrange that such recycling solutions could be a part of your school events or sport games. The value of donations will benefit the requested cause / program. 


Local Business Fundraisers


We are interested in collaborating with local businesses. Our 'RePower Boxes' are ready to be installed in your buildings. They take up minimal space and are aesthetically  pleasing. They promote an environmentally friendly approach among your work peers and clients and send a message of promoted sustainability. 

Retail, Fitness, and Entertainment Fundraisers


Retail, Fitness, and Entertainment Centers are a perfect place to reach out to the community and promote a sense of positive environment involvement. Depending on the size of the center and the amount of traffic we would be able to provide more than just one 'RePower Box'. By allowing us to implement such a service to your customer base you would help raise awareness in the community and have a direct impact in responsably collecting electronics that would have otherwise turned into waste. This gives your establishement a positive image and opportunity to make a contribution to a specific cause or program.

Community Event Fundraisers


We are excited about participating in various local events. Whether it's a fundraiser event to find a cure for a certain disease or a local celebration such as a 'Days of' we would like to get involved and to offer our services. We can help promote the event and even give back in different ways. Please talk to one of our representatives to find out more.

Custom Fundraisers


The RePower program is very flexible and customizable. If you have an idea for an event or any way in which we could be of service we are open to hearing about it. There are numerous ways in which we can get involved to raise awareness and collect old electronics and turn them into funds benefiting a certain cause or program. 

Large Scale Recycling 


In addition to reaching out and making a difference in our local communities we are interested in building long term relationships with corporate entities and organizations with the goal of providing large scale cellphone and small electronics recycling and data destruction services. 


Many companies change their cellphones, computers, and other office electronics very often nowadays, in order to be able to keep up with fast changing technological advances. While this has a positive effect on their operations it often turns into a directly negative effect on the environment. Too often such companies simply throw away the aforementioned electronics either due to a lack of reliable cost effective recycling services or due to privacy and sensitive data concerns. 


Power Cellular is committed to working with such companies. We believe that by gaining the trust of our clients and by offering professional services we can save millions of working electronics from destruction and becoming waste to our planet. We can assure full data destruction to protect sensitive information from reaching the wrong hands. 


In order to schedule a meeting please send us a message with your contact information and a brief description of your needs.

Privacy and Security through Data Destruction

There is nothing more important to us than the privacy and security of the environmentally aware entities that decide to recycle their cellphones and electronics through us. We all have messages, e-mails, pictures, and other sensitive information on our devices. This data is important to us and furthermore it is personal.


Every single device that is in operational condition will be powered on and all data will be deleted and restored to factory settings. We will offer the same attention to devices coming in from the community as we do with the ones coming from our corporate and organizational members, without exception.


For more information on how to delete all data and restore devices to factory settings by yourself please review the user manual of your device, usually available on the manufacturer's website.

Here's Where We Are:

Power Cellular, Inc.
1151 Waukegan Rd

Second Floor
Glenview, IL 60025


(801) RePower

(801) 737 6937

Business Hours

10 AM - 6 PM

What's New...

Helping The Lake Forest Chapter of Delta Chi raise funds for The V Foundation

More info at the event page.

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