RePowering the future...
RePowering the future...

'RePowering' your cell phones and small electronics

The environmental effect


The number one reason why anyone should choose to partner up with us and adopt a 'RePower Box' is the direct effect that it will have on the environment. By participating in our initiative you will not only assist with a responsible method of e-waste collection, but you will raise awareness on the matter and educate others to do the same. Help us 'RePower the Future' and leave behind a healthier planet for the generations to come.


Give back to your community and to the causes you believe in


The 'RePower' program is not only designed to give the community a safe zero-cost option for e-waste management, but it is also aimed at sharing the value of the collected items. All the e-waste collected through the 'RePower Boxes' is processed by recycling and market re-entry (functional / fixable items). A set fraction of this generated value will be given back to the participating institution or a desired organization. This means that part of the proceeds could go to supporting local education funds, local organizations, or any other cause that the participating member deems appropriate (charity, medical research, phylanthropic causes).

Become a community leader


Wether you are an educator, a small-business owner, a corporate executive, an organziation representative, or simply a concerned citizen you can become an environmentaly aware leader in your community. We are interested in working with all parties that are as enthusiastic about reducing electronic waste as we are. Get involved with the 'RePower' project and bring our zero-cost service to your schools, business locations, shopping, fittnes, and enetertainment centers, local events, and anywhere else people could benefit from it. Contact us and we will work with you in finding the best solution for your needs. 

Raise awareness and educate


The simple fact of adopting a 'RePower Box' raises awareness on the principle of 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' for all the people that see the bins. Even for those which do not take immediate action and bring in their old cell phones and small electronics the message has been communicated. This will raise awareness and encite them to become more educated. Our 'RePower Boxes' promote this message even if not used directly as collection bins. 

Importance of collecting electronic waste for reuse and recycling


- Reusing/refurbishing vs recycling electronics

  • It can be up to 20 times more energy efficient to reuse old electronics than to recycle them. If the electronic device is operational or can be refurbished, it would be a waste to recycle it, or even worse to throw it away. If its operational potential is null, the best procedure is to recycle it so that the materials can be re-used.


- Collection of circuit boards:

  • An estimated 30 - 50% of boards are made of precious metals: copper, gold, silver, platinum, and palladium (recycle value)
  • Some of the gold is 40 to 800 times more concentrated than the one extracted from US mines
  • Exremely hazardous waste: lead and toxic material need proper processing


- Major 'excuses' to not reuse or recycle

  • A common reason for companies, organizations and even individuals to not distribute their old electronics for reuse or recycling is data security. Privacy and security are major concers, however, there are very easy and fully effective ways of permanently clearing data through the availability of software and programs such as RePower.

- Export of e-waste

  • Often enough tons of e-waste are exported to developing nations such as China. Here they are 'processed' in inhuman conditions negatively affecting the health of those local communities. Through these improper processes the waste continues by harming the environment which is being felt on a global scale through means of air and water. The United States is one of three countries (including Haiti and Afghanistan) that has not ratified the Basel Convention in order to make such exports illegal. Your e-waste created in the US could be shipped abroad and could come back to hurt all of us here at home.


- Consider environmentally friendly products that:

  • require minimal packaging
  • are designed for easy upgrade and/or disasembly (refurbishing value)
  • allow take back / buy back options
  • contain few or no toxic materials
  • use recycled materials 

Here's Where We Are:

Power Cellular, Inc.
1151 Waukegan Rd

Second Floor
Glenview, IL 60025


(801) RePower

(801) 737 6937

Business Hours

10 AM - 6 PM

What's New...

Helping The Lake Forest Chapter of Delta Chi raise funds for The V Foundation

More info at the event page.

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